Saturday, December 31, 2011

Haaaloo-Goodbye :)

long time no write yaaa...
today is 31th of December, the end of 2011, and i just wanna share to u guys, a little bit story about what i did/got in the last couples month :)

went to puncak on November, 18-20 for Retreat and at the final of the event are; i've been choosen to be a new leadher of PPGT (Persekutuan Pemuda Gereja Toraja) Eben Haezer.... suprised?? did i!!! ha ha ha :D
same as the theme of our Retreat "We are the choosen" so people told me that i've been choosen by God, so..i take this responsibility by the name of God. :)

*left to rigt: ka restu,  rian, gerry
winda, me, dewi
the new team :)

the old team vs new team :p

friend of mine, Olivia Rora had a wedding Party on 17 December,
so she asked me and the other friends for being "penerima tamu" on her wedding, so we answered "YA". and...guess what we wore on that day?? yaa...we were wore a Toraja's traditional dress, YEAY!!!

it's meeeeee....yeay!
and i love the make up 

*left-right: vania, dewi, edwinda, me and rachel 
we were all in Toraja's Traditional dress!!! 

here's some euphoria of i and my family in the time of waiting the Christmas day :)

while mom and i decorating the christmas tree, 
luna-our dog is watching :p's our Christmas Tree :) family felt that the decorated of our tree are not eye catching,
so we decided to re-decorate the tree... and here's our new decoration
and we more ♡ the new one...

"Oh Christmas tree, oh christmas tree,
of all the trees most lovely..."

thanx Jesus for everything that You Give, Gave, Given
for everything that happened to me
thanx, thanx, thanx and thanx :)

so people...i just wanna say

*goodbye 2011

#nowplaying O come, O come, Emanuel by. Belle and Sebastian